Adopting pets with special needs:

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Indescribable benefits They say that if you have a pet, you don’t just return to an empty box of an apartment, you come home.

You are always awaited and always welcomed. In 1931, in Italy (Florence), the holiday “World Day Pets/World Day of Pets” was established at an International Congress. Now, on November 30, this holiday is celebrated worldwide. But let’s return to our topic, as we mentioned above – children can be lonely, many of them lack friends, those they can trust, share news with, or cry their hearts out to. Due to the constant development of humans, we acquire so much new knowledge, learn, discover, and become more and more lonely. We no longer need to band together for hunting or protection; we have become completely alone in a vast number of “human habitats.” And it is here that pets come to our aid. They are capable of brightening your days, bringing joy, making you see the world during walks, and being happy.

But just like people, in the animal world, there are “Special” pets. These are the ones who are not rushed to the shelter, those who are not showcased at international exhibitions and markets, etc. These are animals with special needs. Some of them are missing a paw, some are blind, possibly deaf, and many, many other things, and these are not always congenital defects; in 80% of cases, it is the negligent attitude of humans that has caused the animal’s disability (but we will write more about this later). So, Special Pets, let’s talk about them, how to live with them, what they need, how to cope, and most importantly, how to make the decision to take such a step. Let’s figure it out.

Look, having a special pet is both challenging and easy, both sad and joyful. They will give you their love just like millions of other “normal” pets, and they will be just as loyal and devoted. They will help calm your nervous system and allow you to become more composed and healthy. Yes, healthy, because essentially, you will become their ears and eyes, their paws or tummy. This doesn’t mean that a pet with certain limitations needs to be carried around; believe me, they are much more independent than you think. But this doesn’t mean they don’t need your help. Unfortunately, such pets make up 70-80% of shelter residents, and almost 100% are first in line for euthanasia. Therefore, in this article, we will urge you to give special pets a chance at life. Give yourself life by “adopting” such a pet. These little hearts will fill your home with joy, help you engage in more physical activity/walks, make you calmer, improve your cardiovascular system, reduce stress and cortisol levels, and provide a loyal and kind companion in games and life. You or your loved one will become the center of such a pet’s world; you will become necessary and so important, helping each other overcome life’s challenges and feelings of loneliness. Special pets provide a stimulus to strive for something greater, to not “fall apart,” so to speak. Therefore, if you have decided to bring a new family member—a new animal—into your family, consider the option of special pets. Of course, if you are getting a pet for a child, you will need to help them. Teach them the basics of caring for such a (and any) pet. Teach them to show love and patience. Love?! Yes, love. Did you know that your animals love you just because, not for the delicious meal or long walks, not for the games or new home, they need nothing from you except love and warmth, and they love you with the purest and most loyal love—UNCONDITIONAL.

Somewhere in the mid-20th century, the term “Animal therapy” came about, which is when animals help us, improve our overall well-being, the purring of your kitty calms you, and the fact that she lies on your sore spot alleviates the pain (a cat as a heating pad). When she kneads you with her paws, she stimulates blood flow in that area, your mood changes when you are around them, and walking with a dog fills your lungs with air, saturating your blood with oxygen. Often, such pets become a bridge between people, providing beneficial psychological effects. They help cope with loss or illness; the role of any animal in our lives is so invaluable that one could talk about it for hours. But let’s find out what happens behind the scenes. As we mentioned above, animals love us unconditionally, love us when we are sick and healthy, when we are angry or happy, they give their hearts completely, teach us compassion, but only a few are capable of taking such a pet home. People are afraid of difficulties and obstacles; some are scared of the financial implications, while others understand that such animals require much more attention and love. The internet company Petfinder conducted a survey showing that animals with certain health or appearance characteristics are adopted much less frequently and find it difficult to find a home. It is also difficult to find not just a home, but a home and a person (family) who would be ready for such a pet and could meet all its needs.

*Petfinder is an internet company that operates the largest website of the same name for pet adoption, serving all of North America.

Volunteers around the world strive to find homes for special pets, considering their illnesses or congenital defects. They work with these animals in advance, teaching them their first steps in the big world. Such lessons and activities are very important because, as we mentioned earlier, the animal may be completely blind, unable to move on all legs, have chronic diseases, etc. The parents of the future “adopted” pet undergo similar training, requiring great concentration and effort. They must understand that they can handle all the challenges, provide a home and family suitable for a pet with special needs. The parents of future “adopted” pets work with psychologists, specialists, veterinarians, and trainers. They are taught how to properly socialize the animal, choose the right treatment or prosthetics if needed, perform simple medical procedures (such as administering medication or giving an injection. ALL MEDICAL ACTIONS SHOULD BE PERFORMED IN A VETERINARY CLINIC AND UNDER A DOCTOR’S SUPERVISION), physiotherapy and massage, select the necessary feed and supplements, diversify the special pet’s diet with treats, strengthen its immunity and health. The new owner of a special pet goes through a sort of driving test, undergoing training during which their abilities and skills are assessed by specialists. Assessed? Why should someone assess me?! Look, a special pet is not a toy that can be pushed behind the sofa, not a pillow on the bed; it is a living being that requires attention and love. And, of course, it would be better if it finds a friend and helper in you, just as you do in it. Therefore, such work at the stage of “adopting” a pet is very important. In addition to working with veterinarians, specialists, and psychologists, there is even more work to be done with instructors and trainers. Prosthetic instructors, assistive devices, and items, they will help you learn how to properly secure a prosthesis, make the home safe using soft corner guards if necessary, special climbing ladders, ottomans, feeders, and more. Instructors and trainers will consult you on the height of the fence or tapping the floor with your palm to attract the attention of deaf pets (tapping on the surface creates vibrations and oscillations that a deaf or deaf-mute pet can detect).

An addition to preparing the pet for transfer to a new family, specialists prepare answers to a range of secondary questions that arise or may arise during the “adoption” of a special pet. This allows the future owner of the special pet to feel that they are not alone and that everything can be handled.

The BWAR Shelter Association has developed the “Friends for Life” program. The program includes assistance from specialists, instructors, veterinarians, etc. It is aimed at improving the quality and conditions of life for domestic pets. Helping new owners and “adopted” pets to form a strong bond that grows into love. Why is all this being done? The thing is, you might simply overestimate your strength and capabilities, you might think you can handle it, but life will prove otherwise. Unfortunately, many owners of such special pets do not rush to return them to the shelter; they either abandon the animal (where it is 100% doomed to perish) or keep it at home in unbearable conditions, where the animal again withers and fades away. Such moments occur when a person cannot admit their helplessness, that they couldn’t manage, that it didn’t work out, and they feel ashamed that so much time and effort of other people was wasted. As a result, such pets often disappear from the shelters’ radar and are never seen again. That is why many shelters and veterinary clinics, as well as specialists and trainers, periodically visit special pets, learn about their lives, so to speak, keeping their finger on the pulse. Believe me, if you can’t handle it, it’s better to return the pet to the shelter or the home from where you got it. There, you won’t be judged for such an action; on the contrary, they will understand and be able to help the pet. You will also give that pet another chance to find a new family that might be a bit stronger than you and can handle it. After all, special pets are not just about love and patience, they are about money and health, about opportunities and prospects.

And if you feel that you have all of this in abundance and are ready to open your heart to a special pet, find shelters, veterinary clinics, and people who are giving away or asking to take in such animals. Color your life with new hues, learn new things with special pets, provide them with everything they need at home, remove all dangerous (sharp, poisonous, etc.) items, undergo training, or please, study this topic—COMFORTABLE LIFE WITH A PET THAT HAS SPECIAL NEEDS. Create physical activity for your pet, regularly visit the veterinary clinic and consult with a veterinarian, and make all necessary vaccinations on time. Monitor your pet’s well-being and health. Help your special pet learn to live, live with you, understand and accept themselves. Bring them out of depression (depression due to self-acceptance and the world) through games or permitted physical activities (such as running, swimming, jumping, etc.). If necessary, consult a veterinary zoo psychologist, learn to coordinate your pet’s actions and mood. Provide them with psychological support. By surrounding your pet with special toys and equipment, you can ease their adaptation to your home. Your love and affection will give your pet a sense of security and devotion. All these efforts will seem so small compared to the immense joy and love you’ll experience with your pet. Your heart will never beat as fast as it does when you’re with a special pet. You will do a good deed by giving a piece of your soul to these little “injured” animals. Show compassion, open your heart, and explore the world. Stay with us and be healthy.

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